
Tai Chi Neigong Shi-ba-shi: Chen Style Compact 18 Forms

space-saving postures to cultivate inner energy

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Tai Chi Neigong Shibashi in Chen Style Compact 18 Forms is created strictly based on the Chen family traditional postures.  Posture is only a tool to cultivate inner energy, the neigong is your goal. Repetitive drill on each posture is easy for a beginner to learn, it also provides the opportunity for advanced students to ascertain the feeling of inner work layer by layer.  It is designed for Zoom teaching to fit limited space for home or corporate onsite practice. This is also a perfect short form to lead beginners into a long form routine.  Demonstrations are given in front and back views, and Master Tsao gives a detailed description of each posture's main neigong concept.  (Difficulty: Beginner through advanced Levels). DVD, (68 minutes).

jesse tsao, tai chi, taiji, qigong, neigong, neijin, chen style, chen xiaowang, chen zhenglei

Starring Dr. Jesse Tsao
Produced by Jesse Tsao  Written by Jesse Tsao  Directed by Jesse Tsao

SexNo sexual references
LanguageNo bad language
ViolenceNo violence
DrugsNo drug use or references
NudityNo Nudity
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Released 2021
Runtime 01:08:47
Date Limits Starts 3/26/2021