
Tai Chi for Yoga People

Tai Chi and Yoga are both mind-body wellness practices to prevent disease.

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Some people call Tai Chi the "Chinese Yoga," but Tai Chi is more focused on flowing motions instead of static postures to open energy meridians.  This DVD provides good cross-training for yoga people to try Tai Chi postures, and is also a good workout for Tai Chi people for total body conditioning.  Postures range from simple to demanding, so people of all conditions and skill levels will have something to work on.  Demonstrations are given in front and back views, and Master Tsao gives a detailed description of each posture's breathing patterns, energy circulation, and self-defense applications.   (Difficulty: Beginner through advanced Levels) (Difficulty: Beginner Level)

SexNo sexual references
LanguageNo bad language
ViolenceNo violence
DrugsNo drug use or references
NudityNo Nudity
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Runtime 60:00