
Tableside Tai Chi Therapy

Dr. Jesse Tsao, Tai Chi & Qigong energy work with a table support

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Poor balance is a common issue for older adults and is a major cause of falls that send millions of people each year to the emergency room. Based on his 20 years of working for Cigna Healthcare's Disease Prevention program, Dr. Tsao created this Tableside Tai Chi Therapy practice to help you safely develop a better sense of balance and stability.  With a table as support, you can practice with confidence to improve your balance, while at the same time building strength, mobility, and agility. Tai chi can improve your posture, increase muscle strength and speed, sharpen reflexes, expand flexibility, and strengthen your core.  This DVD gives you step-by-step instructions for Tai Chi and Qigong exercises that will help you stay active and independent as you age.

tai chi, tableside, balance, leg strength, Jesse Tsao

Starring Dr. Jesse Tsao
Produced by Dr. Jesse Tsao  Written by Dr. Jesse Tsao  Directed by Dr. Jesse Tsao

SexNo sexual references
LanguageNo bad language
ViolenceNo violence
DrugsNo drug use or references
NudityNo Nudity
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Released 2021
Runtime 01:00:35
Date Limits Starts 5/26/2021